The 3 Principles Of Growth Hacking Failure

Jordan Tarver
5 min readFeb 24, 2021


Photo from Getty Images

If there’s one thing that makes every one of us uncomfortable, it’s experiencing failure. Try and think about the last time you felt genuinely good about failing. Right, probably never, which is understandable.

Not only does failure strip us of achieving something we desire, it strips us of our pride. It leaves us in one of the most vulnerable states we can experience — weak, uncertain, and frightened to make any sudden movements toward achieving another goal.

Come on, you know exactly what I’m talking about. You decide to go after one of your biggest dreams. You drop everything, and you legitimately give it everything you have. No more Netflix (ouch). No more doing a little work here and a little work there. No more half-assing. You pour every ounce of passion, determination, and belief into achieving the goal. But, as the story goes, you fall short. You weren’t good enough, yet. And now you must sit there and sulk in that shitty feeling. We’ve been there. All of us.

But failure doesn’t have to be like that, failure doesn’t have to be something you view as a negative. You can actually use failure to your advantage and let it propel you forward in your journey. Sound surprising? Well, let me tell you how you can do this in your life.

Over the course of years (and many failures), I’ve developed a system to help me extract the positives when I come up short. This system has stripped me of the fear of failure because I’ve set myself up with the resources I need to not let any failure set me back. This system can do the same for you.

Meet growth hacking failure.

What Is Growth Hacking Failure?

Growth hacking failure does not require new technical skills, superpowers, or years of experience. I’ve already done the legwork for you so you could benefit from a failure-proof system. All it requires of you is your mindset and the willingness to exist outside your comfort zone.

Growth hacking failure is a system to help you use failure to your advantage, and it’s built on three principles. First, switch the lens you see failure through. Second, don’t take it personally. Third, uncover your lesson and adjust.

Is it really that simple? Yes. Have most people overcomplicated dancing with moments of failure? Absolutely. Can failure result in growth spurts? 110%. So, although failure is far outside of most people’s comfort zones, you can use this system as a tool to put your failures on your side.

Let’s dive into the three principles of growth hacking failure.

3 Principles of Growth Hacking Failure

1. Switch the Lens You See Failure Through

Failure sucks when you see it as a negative. It eats you alive, pushes you backward on your journey, and sometimes even keeps you from chasing your wildest dreams. It’s a wild beast, but luckily there are ways you can tame it.

The first step in growth hacking failure is making a conscious effort to shift your mindset around it. You need to decide that you will look at failure through a new lens and embrace a new perspective. Sure, failure can be devastating and unencouraging, but truthfully, it’s only such if you believe it to be.

Failure brings lessons, it brings eye-opening experiences and epiphanies, and it brings the resources you need to continue down your path and thrive outside your comfort zone.

What I am saying is this: As soon as you choose to view failure as a positive, you will experience its plethora of gifts. It’s easy (and common) to think of failure and immediately have a sour taste in your mouth. But right now marks the end of that in your life.

It’s time you switch the lens you see failure through. It’s time for failure to no longer stop you in your tracks and instead, push you forward. Don’t worry about failure stealing your life force; it’s there to teach you what you need to know to continuously grow.

2. Don’t Take Failure Personally

When you come up short, it’s easy to stuff your mind with negative and self-sabotaging thoughts. I’m not good enough. I’m a piece of shit. I’ll never be successful. These thoughts are dangerous, and they’ll quickly take over your life and rip your vitality out of your hands.

It’s crucial to deliberately choose to not let failure impact you on a personal level. You must remove your ego from a moment of failure and not beat yourself up over it. What’s done is done. Dwelling on it and hitting yourself over your head is not going to do you any good. Don’t waste your energy with that BS.

If you come up short, give yourself a few minutes to blow some steam off, but that’s it. As a matter of fact, Tiger Woods has a 10-step rule in golf. If he hits a bad shot and fails at the tee box, he gives himself 10 steps to be upset about it, then he moves on. He doesn’t let his failure steal his energy because he knows it’s more sacred than that. He recognizes what happened, makes any adjustments needed, and moves forward. So, give yourself a few minutes or walk 10 steps, but after that, don’t take it personally. Don’t let it consume you.

Failure happens to all of us. You’re not the only person that goes through this uncomfortable part of life. When it happens, it’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up. Don’t feed your mind negative thoughts, and don’t let failure derail you from your path. Take your 10 steps and look for the lesson.

3. Uncover Your Lesson and Adjust

If you can switch your perspective on failure and not take it personally, you’ll find that there are life-changing lessons in a moment where you come up short. That’s the secret to failure; if you can uncover your lesson and adjust, you’ll be able to use that knowledge to help you progress on your journey and avoid making a similar mistake moving forward.

Failure is the teacher we never wanted but always needed. It might push you to the ground, but if you’re willing to look for the lesson or for an opportunity to improve, it will lift you up. Oddly enough, the more you fail, the more you learn, and the more you learn, the more you grow.

Bottom Line

Now is it all starting to make sense? Do you see how society has tricked you into believing that failure should be one of your biggest fears? The fear that holds you back from growing into the best version of yourself and discovering who you were always meant to be? I’m here to teach you that failure can be on your side if you want it to be. If you growth hack failure, you can let it serve you instead of you serving it.

Failing doesn’t have to be a permanent setback. Yeah, it might stop you in your tracks, make you feel like you’ve run into a giant brick wall that will never let you move forward, and completely tear you apart, but that’s normal, expect that. However, it’s temporary. Let it be temporary.

Failure makes you feel shitty, we all know that. But let it fuel you. Allow it to give you the motivation to go back and try 10 times harder. Give it the chance to serve you in ways you never knew failure could serve.

Are you ready to embrace failure?



Jordan Tarver
Jordan Tarver

Written by Jordan Tarver

As an introspective writer, author, and photographer, my work is designed to simplify the process of becoming the best version of yourself.

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